Welcome to the CLAIHR Blog
Welcome to the just launched Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) Blog. You will find the CLAIHR blog the place to go for postings on a range of topics on international human rights, including:
- “International Human Rights Law 101” which provides a general introduction to various IHR legal topics;
- Practice tips for lawyers involved or seeking to become more involved in advancing international human rights;
- Case comments and other timely, topical commentary; and
- Think pieces on Canadian IHR issues.
CLAIHR members and supporters, including lawyers, law professors and others will be contributing to the blog.
If you have ideas to pass along, or are interested in guest blogging, please get involved by emailing blogeditor@claihr.ca.
So bookmark CLAIHR, RSS us, follow us, share us, Likes us, Pin us, or just mention the new CLAIHR blog to a friend.
We are also excited that the CLAIHR Blog continues our tradition of engaging with Canadian law students who share our passion for promoting international human rights thanks to a partnership with Pro Bono Students Canada. A dedicated team of volunteer PBSC law students have helped shape the CLAIHR Blog in a myriad of ways; we are grateful to both PBSC and all of our volunteers for their contagious energy and support.