Responsibility to Protect

Celebrating the Ten Year Anniversary of the Responsibility to Protect: Battling WWII Global Displacement Rates with an Emphasis on Implementation

By Heather Cohen

Tomorrow marks the celebration of the ten year anniversary of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). At the United Nations, the President of the General Assembly (PGA) will lead a thematic panel discussion from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST in the Trusteeship Council Chamber. For those of you who will not be in New York, you can tune into the live webcast here.

The event brings together leaders and eminent experts involved in the creation, development, and implementation of the World Summit commitment. Panelists will reflect on the progress made to date, current and emerging challenges, and opportunities to accelerate implementation. Member States and observers will have the opportunity to ask questions and make brief comments from the floor.

From the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect:

The adoption of the responsibility to protect at the 2005 World Summit represented a significant step towards realizing the international community’s commitment to end the most horrific forms of violence and persecution. Member States affirmed their primary responsibility to protect their own populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity and accepted a collective responsibility to assist each other in fulfilling this responsibility. They also declared their preparedness to take timely and decisive action, in accordance with the United Nations Charter and in cooperation with relevant regional organizations as appropriate, when national authorities manifestly fail to protect their populations from these four crimes and violations.

Significant progress has been made during the past decade in elaborating this commitment. The Secretary-General developed a framework for implementation based on three mutually reinforcing pillars, which provides guidance on how States can best protect their populations (Pillar I), assist and encourage each other to uphold their responsibility to protect (Pillar II), and work collectively to ensure timely and decisive response (Pillar III).

Member States have also devoted considerable attention to the responsibility to protect. Since 2009, the General Assembly has adopted a resolution, held a formal debate, and convened six annual informal interactive dialogues. The Security Council has adopted more than thirty resolutions and Presidential Statements that explicitly reference the responsibility to protect. This body has also held an Arria formula meeting on the responsibility to protect. The Human Rights Council has included the principle in fourteen resolutions, covering both thematic and country-specific topics. At the regional level, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights has adopted a resolution on strengthening the responsibility to protect in Africa and the European Union has continuously supported the responsibility to protect and its operationalization.

This extensive consideration has contributed to the development of a consensus on core aspects of the responsibility to protect. Member States agree on the need to prioritize prevention, to utilize a full range of diplomatic, political, and humanitarian measures when addressing situations that feature the four crimes and violations, to consider military force only as a last resort, and to ensure that implementation of the responsibility to protect is in accordance with the United Nations Charter and other established principles of international law.

The past decade has also witnessed growing commitment to transforming the principle into practice. International engagement in cases like Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Kenya and Kyrgyzstan successfully mitigated the risks of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing, demonstrating that the collective weight of the international community can make a difference. The responsibility to protect has also spurred the development of new institutional capacity, including global, regional, and sub-regional mechanisms dedicated to the prevention of these crimes and violations. By the end of 2015, fifty one Member States and the European Union had appointed focal points for the responsibility to protect.

Despite this progress, urgent challenges remain. Acts that may constitute genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity are currently occurring in far too many crises. The world has also witnessed the alarming rise of non-State armed groups that seek to spread violent extremist ideologies and are brazenly perpetrating atrocity crimes. These situations have created protection challenges of a staggering scale and produced widespread humanitarian crises, including a global migration and refugee crisis. These challenges have also stretched the ability of the international community to generate timely and decisive collective responses. The initiative by France and Mexico on restraint on the use of the veto, the Accountability, Coherence and Transparency (ACT) Group Code of Conduct, and similar proposals by the Elders have all encouraged Member States to refrain from taking action that either hinders or delays robust international responses to genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity.

In more general terms, not all Member States have become party to the international conventions that set out the legal framework for the prevention and punishment of the crimes specified by the responsibility to protect, including the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The Secretary-General and President of the International Committee of the Red Cross have also recently drawn attention to an alarming decline in respect for international humanitarian and human rights law, particularly in situations where national authorities have argued that exceptional security threats or political crises justify temporary abrogation from their legal obligations.

Given the ongoing occurrence of these grave international crimes and in light of the progress made over the past decade, it is clear that the responsibility to protect remains a vital and enduring commitment. As Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has noted, it “offers an alternative to indifference and fatalism” and represents a “milestone in transforming international concern about people facing mortal danger into meaningful response.” The challenge now facing the international community is both practical and political: how to best uphold its responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity by accelerating implementation.

Ten years since the universal adoption of R2P, it remains a vital and enduring commitment, but the next decade must be about moving from commitment to implementation. Partnerships for prevention will be key and CLAIHR is proud to be a member of the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect. In the words of the PGA, “[a]ll of us, at the United Nations and beyond, have responsibility to take greater steps to promote tolerance, human rights, and human dignity.”

By |February 25th, 2016|Blog|

Dr Kapila, Former Head of UN in Sudan, to speak at Toronto event May 10th

CLAIHR is proud to partner with Canadian International Council and Gowlings LLP to present a free keynote event featuring Dr Mukesh Kapila OBE, former Head of the United Nations in Sudan. In the talk, entitled Why do our global institutions fail to prevent & protect against mass atrocities?, Dr Kapila will reflect on his experiences in Darfur when he attempted to alert the world to the unfolding genocide and will consider the current crises in Sudan today. He will draw upon his extensive international experience working within the UK government, the UN and Red Cross movement which also took him to Rwanda and Bosnia. Dr Kapila will highlight the importance of individual accountability as well as collective responsibility in the prevention of genocide and other crimes against humanity in Sudan and around the world and will pose lessons to be drawn for future practice.

Date: Friday, May 10, 2013
Time: Noon (attendee sign-in will begin at 11:45AM)
Venue: Gowlings LLP, First Canadian Place, 100 King St W, 16th Floor

Registration Instructions:
Participants *must* pre-register. No walk-ins allowed. Deadline to pre-register is 5PM, Thursday, May 9th.

By email: toronto [at] opencanada [dot] org
By phone: 416-590-0630

Additional Details:
Light refreshments will be served after the talk.
Program is eligible for 1.5 hours of substantive CPD with LSUC.

Click here to download event flyer.

Dr Kapila’s New Book, “Against a Tide of Evil”
Dr Kapila is in Toronto as part of a cross-Canada tour to promote his new memoir about his efforts to bring attention to the mass atrocities in Darfur while he was UN Chief in Sudan. The book was launched in Geneva at the start of May, to coincide with the 10 year anniversary of the horrific events in Darfur. A portion of the proceeds from the books sold through the UK non-profit organization Aegis Trust will go towards preventing future mass atrocities.

MK Geneva press release to read the news release by Aegis Trust on the book and its launch in Geneva.

By |April 28th, 2013|Uncategorized|

The Way Forward for Responsibility to Protect

The Canadian Lawyers Association for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) and the International Law Students Association (ILSA) University of Ottawa Chapters hosted the 8th Annual Global Generations Conference on February 24th in Ottawa. This year’s conference title “The Way Forward – The Promise of R2P” was selected to recognize the 10th anniversary of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty’s (ICISS) Report on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and Canada’s Canada’s important role in the creation of this doctrine.

The conference featured student presentations and a panel of experts whose current work engages with the responsibility to protect, including former Canadian Ambassador to the UN, Allan Rock, PC.

To learn more about the conference please read an article published in Canadian Lawyers Magazine 4 Students.

By |March 5th, 2012|News Releases, Student News|

Michael Ignatieff on Responsibility to Protect

2011 – CLAIHR Symposium Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Responsibility to Protect
Topic: Responsibility to Protect
Speaker: Michael Ignatieff

Some highlights of his discussion: Canada has an extraordinary reputation in relation to International Law. Some of Canada’s most significant contributions to International Law have been in the area of Human Rights, including the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine.

We would like to thank our generous event sponsors:
Torys LLP
Hull & Hull LLP
Koskie Minsky LLP

We would also like to thank our silent auction prize contributors:
Biljana K. Carter
Deb Mazer
The Mad Bean
La Salumeria

See Professor Ignatieff’s address here:

Watch Professor Ignatieff answer important questions about the doctrine:
By |November 15th, 2011|Past Events|

CLAIHR joins International Coalition for R2P

CLAIHR is proud to announce its recent membership in the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect. CLAIHR is the first Canadian NGO to join the international coalition and we  look forward to working with this global network to further promote the principles of the Responsibility to Protect.   The Responsibility to Protect provides a framework to determine when outside intervention is required in domestic crises so that the international community can provide protection to civilians when their government is unable or unwilling to do so.  As part of our commitment to the principles of R2P, CLAIHR will continue its work in education and awareness raising for this important international legal norm in the Canadian context.

By |May 18th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Responsibility to Protect and the Libyan Crisis

CLAIHR President Jillian Siskind

CLAIHR President Jillian Siskind speaks about the Responsibility To Protect

On March 26th, 2011, CLAIHR’s President, Jillian Siskind, delivered the keynote address for a two-day symposium at the University of Toronto titled “Deconstructing Humanitarian Aid in the 21st Century”.  The symposium was organized by the International Relations Society at the Munk School of Global Affairs and featured many speakers and panellists in the field of human rights.

Delegates were presented with a comprehensive investigation of contemporary issues relating to the politics of humanitarian aid and intervention.  In particular, the symposium offered a well-timed opportunity for students, scholars, practitioners and individuals interested in human rights to gather and discuss relevant human rights issues concerning the recent turmoil in the Middle East.

Jillian provided the delegates with an overview of the legal framework for humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect with the corresponding political considerations inherent in such actions.  The focus then turned to the current armed conflict in Libya, with first the background history of the country, followed by a political discussion of the current crisis and the response of the international community.

Click here to read Jillian’s speech.

By |April 26th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Responsibility to Protect Panel Discussion – April 2009

Early last year, CLAIHR was approached by the Law Society of Upper Canada to partner an event on the “Reconciling State Sovereignty with the Global Responsibility to Protect”. In approaching CLAIHR, the Law Society recognized the legitimacy of the organization’s role in the international human rights discourse.

By |February 15th, 2010|News Releases|