February 24, 2012 | 8th Annual Global Generations Conference | 57 Louis Pasteur Street | 147 Fauteux Hall, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
The Canadian Lawyers Association for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) and the International Law Students Association (ILSA) University of Ottawa Chapters are joining together to host the 8th annual Global Generations Conference. 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty’s (ICISS) Report on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). In recognition of this important date and Canada’s important role in the creation of this doctrine, this year’s Global Generations Conference theme is “The Way Forward – The Promise of R2P”.
Keynote by former Canadian Ambassador to the UN, Allan Rock, PC
Download the conference poster: The Way Forward EN
Download the Call for Papers: Call for Papers – 8th Annual Global Generations Student Conference
Read an article about the conference published in Canadian Lawyers Magazine 4 Students.
February 12, 2010 | 6th Annual Global Generations Conference | Gowlings Moot Court Room, Fauteux Hall, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
[1:30 – 1:45] Introductions.
Judging Panel: Prof. Heather McLeod Kilmurray, Mr. Joseph Rikhof, Mr. Sébastien Jodoin
[1:45 – 2:15] Mr. Demola Okeowo. Presenting: Euthanasia and the Right to Life in the Netherlands: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
[2:15 – 2:45] Ms. Tina Georgieva (Windsor University / University of Detroit Mercy) Presenting: Rethinking Corporate Responsibility: Promoting Accountable Business Practices for the Protection of Human Rights
[2:45 – 3:15] Ms. Maya Stano (University of British Columbia) Presenting: A Global Plastic Threat: International Instruments to Address the Emerging Environmental Problems
[3:15 – 3:45] Ms. Jennifer Del Vecchio (University of Western Ontario) Presenting: Continuing Uncertainties: Forced Marriage as a Crime Against Humanity
[3:45 – 4:05] Coffee Break
[4:05 – 4:40] Keynote Address. Mr. Joseph Rikhof. Senior Counsel and Manager of the Law with the Crimes Against Humanity and
War Crimes Section of the Department of Justice, Canada
Judging Panel: Prof. Don McRae, Prof. Anthony Daimsis, Ms. Anastazya Tataryn
[4:40 – 5:10] Mr. Julian Daller (University of Ottawa). Presenting: The Illegality of Hazardous Waste Exports: Reforming the Basel
[5:10 – 5:40] Mr. Daniel Albahary (University of Ottawa / Michigan State University). Presenting: International Human Rights and Global Governance: The End of National Sovereignty and the Emergence of a Suzerain World Polity?
[5:40 – 6:10] Ms. Jennifer Macko. Presenting: Sexual Orientation as a Prohibited Ground of Discrimination:
A Comparative Study
[6:10 – 6:40] Mr. Tavengwa Runyowa (University of Ottawa). Presenting: Addressing Crimes Against Humanity: Unconventional Methods
for a Conventional Problem
[6:40 – 7:30] Reception in the Tsampilieros Atrium
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13 February 2009 [11:30am-6:00pm] | Global Generations Conference: Human Rights and Health Law at a Crossroads. CLAIHR in conjunction with the HLSA hosted the 5th Annual Global Generations Conference: Human Rights and Health Law at a Crossroads. This conference featured 8 students chosen from across North America who presented their innovative research on current international human rights and Health Law issues. The keynote address was presented by Dr. Amir Attaran. Location: FTX 147A
7 November 2008 | Quiz Night.
19 February 2008 [9:30am to 5:00pm] | Fourth Annual Global Generations Conference: Human Rights and the Earth at a Crossroads. This Conference is organized by the UofO CLAIHR Chapter in association with the Environmental Law Students’ Association. The Conference includes not only excellent opportunities for intellectual bridging between some of Canada’s brightest legal minds, but also effectively brings together students and professionals from across different universities. The aim of the Conference is for students with an interest in international human rights to have an opportunity to share their research with their colleagues and the wider human rights community.
- Damilola Olawuyi (UCalgary) “The Right to a Clean Environment under International Law – Defining the Scope and Content of an Emerging Right”
- Orlagh J. O’Kelly (UCalgary) “International Organizations and the Right to be Cold”
- Rosalia de la Cruz Gitau (NYU) “Gauging the Liberian TRC’s Capacity to Combat Economic Crimes and Promote Lasting Peace: ;The Burden of Proving’ ”
- Holly LeValliant (UOttawa) “When the Well Runs Dry: An Argument for the Human Right to Water”
- Amissi Manirobana (U de Mtl) “Le droit pénal canadien face aux crimes environnementaux commis à l’étranger par les multinationales canadiennes”
- Anil Naidoo (Keynote Speaker; Blue Planet Project) “Right to Water or Water Rights Unraveling the global struggle for water justice”
- Ashley Deathe (UOttawa) “Tort Without Borders: Why a Provincial Court’s Jurisdiction Should Apply to Canadian Mining Companies’ Actions Overseas”
- G. Verónica Potes (UCalgary) “Taking Duties Seriously? State Obligations to Consult and to Accommodate Indigenous Peoples’ Rights”
- Yichuan Wang (UBC) “Reformulating human right to water in trust terms: A model for managing global water scarcity”
- Julie-Anne Pariseau (U de Mtl) “Un statut juridique inexistant et une protection inadéquate: les réfugiés écologiques, qui sont-ils et où iront-ils?”
- Catherine Archibald (UOttawa) “The rights to life and security of the person in Canada should include the right to a healthy environment”
- Panel 1: Will Amos, Pacifique Manirakiza, Heather McLeod-Kilmurray, Joanne St. Lewis
- Panel 2: Craig Forcese, Lucie Lamarche, Penelope Simons, Julian Walke
Fall 2007 | Rwandan Genocide Trial: Members of the CLAIHR Chapter monitor the proceedings of the trial in R. v. Munyaneza
29 September 2007 | Rwandan Genocide Research Project: The first prosecution under Canada’s Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act is currently under way in Montreal. Desiré Munyaneza, the defendant, is accused of participating in the Rwandan genocide as a perpetrator of crimes against humanity. Our Chapter is currently developing a research project that will involve monitoring the case proceedings and analyzing the trial process under this new act.
8 February 2007 | Third Annual Global Generations: Legal Perspectives on International Human Rights Conference. This student conference will be followed by a larger conference on Corporate Social Responsibility at the University of Ottawa, for which presenters will be given free registration. Participants will have 1) the opportunity to share a paper which they have taken considerable time crafting with a wider audience than just their professor or their class and 2) an opportunity to practice oral presentation skills in a supportive environment and 3) the possibility of their paper published in a law journal. Speakers: Alexandra Carr “From the Responsibility to the Right to Protect: Acceptance as a Principle of International Law and Application in Darfur.” Matthew Stroh “Is the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity Compatible with Universal Jurisdiction for International Crimes?” among many others.
10-12 March 2006 | International Human Rights Film Festival: The annual International Human Rights Film Festival, now in its sophomore year, represents another great fundraising event which is hosted by the University of Ottawa’s Chapter of CLAIHR. This project showcases international films that focus on human rights issues.
17 February 2006 [8:20am-6:00pm] | Second Annual Global Generations Conference: Student Perspectives On International Human Rights.
Keynote Speaker: Major Jean-Michel Cambron from the Office of the Judge Advocate Genera.l Speakers came form across Canada and, for the first time, from the United States. Topics included transitional justice, self-determination, and emerging humanitarian law norms. Over 90 people attended. The top prizes went to Ms. Carolyn Elliott-Magwood, Univ. of Ottawa Faculty of Law, National Program, (1st place), Peter Tonge, Univ. of Manitoba Faculty of Law, 3rd Year LL.B. (2nd place) and Benjamin Perrin, McGill Univ. Faculty of Law, LL.M. candidate (3rd place).
Judges: Rosemary Cairnsway, Craig Forcese, Craig Forcese, François Larocque, François Larocque, Manon Lavoie, Donald McRae, Corinne Elizabeth Skarstedt, Julian Walker
17 February 2006 [12:00 – 1:30 PM] | Public Interest Information Fair. The event was co-hosted by Probono, CLAIHR U of O Chapter, and University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Career Services.
Location: Fauteux Hall, Atrium Lounge 3rd Floor
Participants: Oxfam Canada, Human Rights Internet (HRI), Beyond Borders, The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC), International Red Cross Canadian, Pro Bono Students Canada, International Social Service Canada (ISS Canada), Human Rights and Research Education Centre (HRREC), National Council on Canadian-Arab Relations (NCCAR), National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO), The Catholic Immigration Centre (CIC), Canadian Crossroads International (CCI), Green Budget Coalition, Mines Action Canada, Canadian-Palestinian Educational Exchange (CEPAL), Canadian Federation for Sexual Health The Canadian Federation for Sexual Health (formerly Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada), Rights & Democracy Network
8 February 2006 | Human Rights Arts Exposition: displaying and auctioning all artwork with a human rights theme. All proceeds will go to a children’s orphanage in Zambia.
5 November 2005 [7pm] | Ninth Annual CLAIHR Quiz Night. Quiz Night is an annual fundraising event that brings together professionals from the legal community, faculty members and students from the University of Ottawa. Quiz Night is a well-known event that raises thousands of dollars to support the Chapter’s projects and initiatives, including the mandate and activities of CLAIHR National. Location: Jack Purcell Community Centre on Elgin Street.
11-13 March 2005 [7:30pm] | CLAIHR Human Rights Film Festival: Screening of “Persons of Interest” “Raoul Léger, La Vérité Morcelée” “The Last Just Man”. Human rights professionals David Morris, Kimberly Inksater, Celeste MacKenzie and Pacifique Manirakiza briefly discussed issues related to the Ottawa Chapter’s film topics. The goal of this project was to further CLAIHR’s mandate of promoting human rights in a way that would appeal not only to students and faculty, but also to those who work and advocate in the field of human rights. This goal was achieved due to the overwhelming turnout of about 200 people of various backgrounds, such as academics, professionals and advocates. The Ottawa CLAIHR Student Chapter partnered with Rights & Democracy (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development). The President of Rights & Democracy, Mr. Jean-Louis Roy, was also the Keynote Speaker for the evening portion of the Conference.
Location: 147B Fauteux Hall
10 February 2005 [8 am – 6 pm] | Global Generation: Student Perspectives on International Human Rights. CLAIHR Ottawa with the support of Rights and Democracy, hosted a student paper conference. The conference brought together law students from both Ontario and Quebec who presented papers on a variety of international human rights topics, including: the rights of vulnerable communities; the treatment of international human rights violations; the balancing of rights; and the role of international organizations in terms of the promotion and protection of human rights. CLAIHR National assembled a group of panelists with expertise in human rights law to assess the student papers. Following the student presentations, Jean-Louis Roy, President of Rights and Democracy, shared some of his reflections on the current challenges faced by those who are working in the field of human rights. The day-long event culminated with the awarding of a prize for the best presentation to Jennifer Poirier, a first year student at McGill’s Faculty of Law, for her innovative ideas on the subject of legislating hate speech internationally. Location: Fauteux 147, Moot Court Room
Panel 1 – Balancing Rights
- Sandy Donaldson “The Role of Journalist Privilege in Democratic Society”
- Jennifer Poirie “Legislating Hate Speech Internationally: Addressing the conflicting rights of speaker and hearer”
- Shanna Mittleman “A Balancing Act: Anti-terrorism legislation and human rights”
- Kyle McInnes “Insta-Democracy and Market Dominant Minorities”
Panel 2 – Vulnerable Communities
- Kristal Low “Female Genital Mutilation: Towards a more comprehensive approach”
- Neera Sivarajah “Prosecuting Innocence? An Analysis of the Statute of the Special Court of Sierra Leone as it pertains to the prosecution of child-soldiers as war criminals”
- Sheila Varadan “Borderless Victims: Trafficking as a crime against humanity”
- Jaden Winfree “Crossroads: Where Inuit and U.S. laws and cultures meet”
Panel 3 – Criminal Law and Criminal Acts
- Andrea Gonsalves “Expanding the Role of International Sentencing Standards: A case study of the US juvenile death penalty”
- Becca Murtha “A House of Cards?: Bilateral Immunity Agreements and the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court”
- Alison Mitchell “Principle over Profit: Prosecuting corporate actors at the International Criminal Court”
- Catherine Mann “Government-Authorized Atrocities: The humanitarian crisis in Sudan”
Panel 4 – International Organizations
- Tracy Austin “ ‘Who Dares, Wins’: CARICOM’s quest for judicial victory over British colonialism”
- Sanja Popovic “NATO: International Law, Peace, Security and Human Rights”
- Lise Rivet “Canada’s international human rights obligations and the American Convention on Human Rights: Where are we at?” –
- Key-Note Speaker Jean-Louis Roy “Canada’s Foreign Policy – What Place for Human Rights?”
20 November 2004 | Eighth Annual CLAIHR Quiz Night. The University of Ottawa Student Chapter of CLAIHR organized the evening. Many thanks go out to Peter Showler and Maria Lavelle who were the night’s Honourable Judges and to Ian Stauffer who acted as Master of Ceremonies. The theme of the evening entailed “Polynesian Paradise” which went hand in hand with much of the research and advocacy projects that the Chapter had previously undertaken. Quiz Night provided an opportunity for everyone to celebrate the cultural richness of a continent in which great advances are being made in the area of human rights law. The event raised a record amount with over 200 people in attendance at the Patro of Ottawa (Lowertown Community Centre). Teams were entered from law firms, legal clinics, governmental departments, clubs within the law school and other students. Prizes were generously donated from a variety of local businesses.
17 October 2003 | Conference on Human Rights and National Security: “Bridging Human Rights and National Security” was held at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, co-sponsored by CLAIHR and the International Commission of Jurists Canada (ICJ). The conference featured two moderated panel discussions and a keynote address by Mr. Alan Borovoy of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.
Speakers at the morning panel on the domestic aspects of national security, human rights and the concept of human security were Professor Errol Mendes (ICJ Council member, University of Ottawa), Mr. Ziyaad Mia (Muslim Lawyer’s Association), Ms. Hadar Harris (American University), Ms. Shirley Heafey (Commission for Complaints Against the RCMP), and Mr. Alex Neve (Amnesty International).
Speakers at the afternoon discussion on the United Nations, the International Criminal Court and the concept of human security were Dean Claudio Grossman (American University), Mr. Jean-Louis Roy (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development), Ms. Necla Tschirgi (International Peace Academy), Ms. Peggy Mason (Norman Paterson School of International Affairs), and Mr. Darryl Robinson (Department of Foreign Affairs).