
Torture as Tort online CPD

Torture as Tort CPD

In partnership with Grapple Law, Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) presents an online Continuing Professional Development primer on Torture as Tort.

Learn about the criteria for establishing torture, how international bodies seek to prevent its occurrence, and how some jurisdictions allow the redress of torture as a tort. In particular, Heather Cohen from CLAIHR examines how Canadian courts have failed to allow litigants to sue in Canada for torture committed abroad and how this may be resolved in the future.

  • Professionalism Hours 0
  • Substantive Hours 0.3

You can purchase and view this series here.

By |June 21st, 2015|Past Events|

Intervener Arguments Made in Munyaneza Appeal

On Monday, April 22nd, 2013, CLAIHR joined Canadian Centre for International Justice to present arguments as an intervener in the Muyaneza appeal. The arguments centered around whether the Crimes Against Humanity Act can be applied retrospectively to the 1994 Rwandan genocide since the Act was not made into law in Canada until 2000. CCIJ and CLAIHR submitted the argument that the intent of the Act was to make accountable those who perpetrated such crimes in the past, so long as international laws at the time would have considered their acts to be criminal.

Click here to read the full intervener factum. French and English summaries of the trial and appeal are available by clicking here.

By |April 25th, 2013|Our Work|