I. Chapter Purpose
1. Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) is a national not-for-profit, non-governmental organization. CLAIHR’s mission is to promote human rights globally through legal education, advocacy and law reform. The purpose of a Student Chapter is to support and promote the mission of CLAIHR, and in particular, to educate and encourage dialogue on human rights issues among university students and the academic community.
2. Each Student Chapter must ensure that all of its activities fall within the stated objectives and mandate of CLAIHR, as stated in CLAIHR’s Constitution. In particular, Student Chapters cannot engage in politically partisan activities of any kind.
II. Establishing and Maintaining a Student Chapter
1. Student Chapters may be established with the consent of the CLAIHR Board of Directors (the “Board”). Student Chapters communicate with the Board via a Student Coordinator, a member of the Board designated to liaise with Student Chapters.
2. A minimum of three (3) student is required to establish and to maintain a Student Chapter). The leadership team must consist of, at a minimum, a President, a Treasurer, and a Communication Officer/Secretary.
3. CLAIHR will provide:
- a one-year free student membership to each member of the leadership team; and
- a one-year free student membership to each new student member of the Student Chapter. After its expiration, members of the Student Chapter can obtain membership through CLAIHR’s web site.
4. Student Chapter shall be registered and in compliance with all campus policies relating to student organizations where the chapter is formed.
5. The Board may revoke a chapter of its Student Chapter status if the Student Chapter violates any of these Guidelines or acts out of accordance with any of CLAIHR’s objectives or mandate.
III. Chapter Activities
1. Student Chapters are encouraged to develop projects and activities on their own, in conjunction with other Student Chapters, or with the Board. In any case, approval of the Board must be obtained prior to commencing any project or activity.
2. In particular, prior to issuing any research paper, article or submission, or making any presentation to an educational institution, governmental organization, or any other external organization, the Student Chapter must obtain the approval of the Board.
3. Chapters are expected to be financially self-sustaining, and are encouraged to make an annual financial contribution to CLAIHR’s National Office through fundraising activities.
IV. Responsibilities of Leadership Team in relation to CLAIHR
1. The President is responsible for:
- providing to the Board a summary of chapter activities at the end of each semester, and when requested by the Student Coordinator;
- organizing the appointment or election of new officers to replace any outgoing officers and communicating to the Board the names and contacts of the new leadership team on or before April 1st of each year; and
- assuming responsibilities of other members of the leadership team if required.
2. The Treasurer is responsible for providing to the Board a financial update at the end of each semester.
3. The Communication Officer/Secretary is responsible for:
- providing on-going updates of chapter activities and promoting chapter activities on a national level and through CLAIHR’s website (www.claihr.ca);
- providing to the Board a current list of memberships at the end of each semester.
V. Use of CLAIHR’s Name and Logo and Liabilities
1. The CLAIHR logo and name cannot be used on any material for any purpose (including, but not limited to, clothing, Internet sites, e-mail accounts, advertising and marketing materials and media releases) without the prior consent of the Board. The Board may deny any member or Student Chapter the right to use CLAIHR’s logo or name if, in the Board’s opinion, such member or Student Chapter does not act within the spirit of CLAIHR’s objectives and mandate.
2. Student Chapters shall not contract or incur any liabilities on behalf of CLAIHR. Any liabilities contracted for or incurred by a Student Chapter shall remain the sole liability of the chapter. Student Chapters shall indemnify CLAIHR and hold CLAIHR harmless from and against any loss, expense, cost, or damage incurred by reason of the activities conducted as a Student Chapter.